Join the CAB Family!

Want to get involved in CAB? Check out the different ways to join below!

  • Committee Board Members

    • Weekly commitment (1-2 times a week)

    • Join one of the following committees (Events, Marketing, or Membership & Outreach) to work closely with your director to prepare, organize, and promote CAB’s events and CAB as an organization

    • Assist in setting up, hosting, and taking down the events

    • Attend the following meetings: General Meetings (TH 6:00-7:00pm, weekly), Street Team (TH 7:00-8:00pm, tbd), Committee Meetings (subject to committee’s schedules, weekly)

    • Have access to leadership and team-building workshops

      Apply here!

  • Street Team Volunteers

    • Bi-weekly commitment

    • Assist in setting up, hosting, and taking down the events

    • Attend Street Team Meetings (TH 7:00-8:00) close to event’s date