Class of 2022

Street Team Committee Member 2019-2020 Vice President Internal Affairs 2020-2021 President 2021-2022

Street Team Committee Member 2020-2021 Special Events Director 2021-2022

Class of 2021


Class of 2020


“Keep learning new things, but don’t forget to make time for yourselves and have some fun!” -Amie


“Everyone grows at their own pace, so it’s alright to go slowly.” -Caitlin


“Help students achieve something beyond the diploma they came here to get. Make their favorite memories, CAB memories. In doing so, you’ll learn the importance of CAB at USF, and fall in love with it like everyone else! And never forget once a cabbie, always a cabbie! P.S. #donut4getme “ - Kiran



“When you are working an event always take the time to step back and appreciate how all the hard work you put in has come together. It is because of you that the student body has some of their favorite memories of their college experience.” - Nico


“Just please be nice to everyone! That is the way of CAB !” -OC


“Although I am beyond sad to say goodbye to my incredibly supportive Cabbies and Executives, I am also extremely proud of everything CAB has accomplished as well as taught me throughout the last few years. Thank you for trusting me to be your President this year, it's been one of the great honors of my life. Y'all are going to do an amazing job next year and continue to grow more than you thought possible! I'll be rooting you on from the sidelines...all my love.” -Liv


“Thank you CAB, I have found amazing people and friends through CAB, it made my college experience the best of all, and I hope CAB keeps touching lives.” -Umera


“Definitely join a club whether that be CAB or another organization and be active in it because you get to meet so many amazing people and be friends with them! Plus, the perks of working hard is worth it at the end. And, never be afraid to ask for help. It’s better to know than to fall behind. Good luck to all current and/or future cabbies!” - Yazmin


“Thank you to SLE and the Campus Activities Board for a great run! Being in CAB has been so impactful to my time at USF and I am grateful to have been part of a team who is able to reach the lives of so many community members and make the USF experience enjoyable with our events. Thank you to Cici's Dad (Rich), Isaiah and Sophia for having my back and always encouraging the team to push ourselves and strive to be the best, as students and as leaders. To my past teammates, it has been great working with every one of you and I have learned from you all! Best of luck in your future endeavors and I'll be cheering you on. To current Cabbies, y'all are super lit and you are all valuable individuals who are impactful to CAB. Thank you for your commitment and time, the org would be nothing without you! To future Cabbies, CAB is lucky to have each and every one of you! Thank you for sharing your time with the org and contributing to CAB's success. I'll always be here to support and will be cheering on CAB. Be sure to have each others' backs and stay true to yourself. You can do anything you put your mind to. Find positivity in each other in community and share your light wherever you go.” Peace out, Malia (like Obama)